Barry Wurst for Board of Education
The biggest issue facing the Board of Education is the lack of accountability and effectiveness in our state education system. No clear line of communication between the Superintendent down to the schools exists. Bureaucracy creates mixed messages, with no one held responsible for dysfunctional outcomes. Before programs start or get the chance to succeed, new programs are introduced. This complicates the focus and goals of education.

Improving communication, ending punitive models and strengthening leadership will create improvement. Communication should be vertical and lateral. A vertical line of communication from the Superintendent to the principals will keep schools focused on chosen goals. Lateral communication between schools would be opportunities for teachers to learn from their peers about their successes and how they dealt with problems. This is preferable to bringing people from out of state with no understanding of the culture or students’ specific needs. The Board of Education needs strong, consistent leadership that is supported by all to effect meaningful change. Finally, using punitive measures against schools must stop. Punishment is rarely a sound educational model. Reward improving schools and praise communities that support their students and teachers.

We can improve education, and this is just the beginning.

Check back often for more of my plan to improve Hawai'i's schools.